Learn more about what’s shaping the European tech talent landscape.
Executive Summary

Europe is home to a rich supply of engineering talent across a wide range of tech hubs. Sequoia’s interactive Atlas offers insights to help you navigate this dynamic landscape.
ReadGoing Remote? Location Still Matters

For many, office space is starting to feel outdated. But especially in our age of hybrid work, location is still crucial to recruiting the right talent.
ReadNavigating Divergent Priorities

Tech startups and job candidates have an opportunity to understand each other’s hiring priorities, and how to reconcile diverging expectations.
ReadA Talented Home for AI

With a concentration of talent and innovative policies, Europe is positioning itself as a global leader in AI.
ReadUkrainian Talent Proves Resilient

In Ukraine, a country renowned for tech talent, engineers have found ways to keep working despite the war.
ReadCompensation: The Great Levelling

With the ubiquity of hybrid and remote work, salaries are converging across Europe.