Where do you find the right talent?
The European tech-talent landscape is increasingly complex to navigate for founders and recruiters. It’s home to world-leading universities and nearly 3M engineers, but talent is more distributed than ever. With remote work, startups are increasingly recruiting from across the region.
Yet it’s difficult to know where to look. 59% of startups across Europe now have distributed teams, and 74% of those cite accessing specialists in other cities as a primary driver. London and Paris have the most engineers. However, many other cities demonstrate a higher per-capita talent density for various skillsets. Some startups may seek volume, while others may want to hire where there’s a focus in a particular speciality.
Atlas is a guide to local specialisation hubs, as well as to the total talent distribution across Europe. For 14 key engineering skill areas, explore cities with the top volume, or those with outlier per-capita talent density. Whether you’re hiring one remote employee, building an engineering hub or considering where to base your company, this data can help. Atlas also explores evolving trends in areas such as hybrid work, compensation and AI.